How to Navigate Through the Storm-Psalm 107:29 (NIV)


He stills the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. (Psalm 107:29 NIV)


How do I handle myself when life brings me torrential rain? Trials come in many forms; my car breaks down, hot water heater goes out, my child has an accident, a close friend moves away, and the rain keeps pouring.

It is easy to become distracted and take my eyes off God. It is easy to become overwhelmed, but this is the time that I must humble myself and seek God. This is the time I need Him to show me how to navigate through this raging storm.

Maybe God is trying to get my attention, maybe I have been slacking in reading my bible, prayer time or maybe I just need to dig in deeper with God.

God is listening and will help me to walk through this storm. I am not alone, and I do not have to try to navigate through this storm by myself.

Be Encouraged! If you are facing a storm in your life or during amid a torrential rain, seek God. He will give you the direction you need.

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