Don’t Miss Heaven- Matthew 24:37 (NIV)

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

                                          (Matthew 24:37 NIV)

What do I do when a car cuts in front of me? The road sign says, “Right Lane closed ahead,” and instead of getting over ahead of time, a vehicle waits until the last minute, and then cuts in front of me. Fortunately, I was able to keep my car under control.

The Bible teaches me about Noah. He was told to build an ark because a flood was coming that would wipe out everything on earth, but even though Noah warned the people, they would not listen. When the time came to enter the ark, only Noah and his family entered and then God shut the door. It was too late for anyone else to be rescued.

The bible tells me that in the last days, it will be the same. People will not listen to those preaching and warning them to repent and accept Jesus. Then the door will close, and it will be too late.

Be Encouraged! You have the choice to open your heart and accept Christ. Please do not be left behind and miss heaven.

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