Give Me Eyes to See- Psalm 119:18 (NASB)

Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Thy law. (Psalm 119:18


I sat in the Optometrist office with my husband today waiting for his exam. Once in the exam room, I listened to the doctor as he informed my husband that he had cataracts in both eyes. Even though they were not serious enough to have them removed, we know at some point they may have to be.

Our vision is important. It affects everything we try to do. We must be aware of taking care of the eyes God has given us.

We also have spiritual eyes that when reading God’s word, we learn how to walk upright. When we ask God to show us the wonderful things of His law, He will. He wants us to see what He has written and gain understanding so we can encourage others.


Be encouraged! There are wonderful promises in God’s word along with instruction. If you feel like your spiritual eyes have become dim, ask God to show you what you need to know in His word, the Holy Bible.


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