Jesus told them another parable: The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. (Matthew 13:24 NIV)
I have been pulling weeds today and some were almost as tall as me. Some were easy to pull due to all the rain we have been getting, but others were not. I enjoy cleaning up the garden mostly because of what it looks like when I am done.
My heart is like a garden. I need to plant good seeds in my garden. Weeds of jealousy, anger, resentment and unforgiveness can spring up in my heart and I must take care of it. When I see those weeds cropping up, I must confess them to God and ask for forgiveness. He will help me to keep those weeds from taking root in my heart so the good seeds of love, joy, and peace can grow.
Be encouraged! If your heart’s garden has weeds, take care of those areas right away. God is faithful to forgive you and help you to keep out the weeds.