Please Do Not Resist- 2 Corinthians 6:2 (NASB)


“At a Favorable Time, I Listened To You, and on a Day of Salvation I Helped You.” Behold now is “A favorable Time,” behold, now is “A Day Of Salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2 (NASB)

I am glad that I didn’t wait. When God called my name, I listened. I was only seven or eight when I asked Jesus into my heart. I did not fully understand how to walk with God. I was not given instructions at home.

I was thirty-one when God spoke to me again. This time, it was during a health issue that landed me in the hospital. I was scared and did not want to die. I pledged to live right and take my children to church. Even though I stumbled along the way, I kept my word as best I could.

God did not grow weary. He continued teaching me through my failures and continued to pick me up, dust me off, and lead me on. I am still learning and growing.

Be Encouraged! If God is calling you, do not resist. Allow Him into your heart. You will be so happy that you did. God loves you.

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