The Right Thing to Do-Psalm 5:12 (ESV)

The Right Thing to Do


For you bless the righteous, Oh Lord, you cover him with favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12 ESV)

When a parent dies, not everyone wants to step in and clean up what is left. Many will pass it on to the other siblings. The weight of doing what is right and seeing it through can really be taxing. If the parents had some things out of order, it would make it harder. For example, maybe the parents left behind buildings that were packed full of stuff bought and never sold?

Living righteously and doing the right thing is a choice we must make. Taking care and liquidating assets takes time and patience but, in the end, will bring a reward by knowing you did the right thing.

Be Encouraged! If you are facing a difficult situation, pray and ask for God’s help. He will send you help so you can see it through to the end. The reward of knowing you did the right thing will be enough.

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