Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come. (Psalm 71:18 NIV)
Sometimes my days run into the next and I find myself behind in doing what I had planned to do. I love blogging daily but, I seem to find myself missing a day or more. I guess that is what getting older can do to you.
Getting older is part of our lives. We rush through the early years that have responsibilities with our children running from one sport or activity to another until one day we find ourselves empty nesters.
I have not entirely enjoyed being an empty nester. I miss the days of taking my children to school and making meals and laughing with them. As I look back at all the memories of raising my children, I smile and feel sad that those days are gone.
Even now as I see gray streaks in my hair, I desire for my children and grandchildren to know the great acts of the Lord. I want to declare all to them. I want them to memorize His words so that they will know who they can always depend on.
Be encouraged, when you become gray and older, God will not forget you.