Keep Practicing-I John 2:29 (NASB)

If you know that He (Jesus) is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him. (I John 2: 29-NASB)


Recently, I began piano lessons again. Being much older, and struggling with coordination in my left hand, I see practicing is extremely important if I want to succeed. Motivation takes practice as well.

I need to set clear goals and review my progress regularly. Short term goals are helpful. If I want to master a certain piece, I need to set reasonable expectations, small steps, and room for improvement.

Setting time aside each day, according to my work schedule, on my calendar will help me to stay focused when following the plan for progress.

When practicing righteousness, it is profitable to first learn where my weaknesses are. Walking in righteousness also means having the right motive. Do I want to please God?

Do I grudgingly do what is right, having a bad attitude about it? If I do, I need to look deep inside. God sees my heart. Do I help someone in need with ulterior motives, hoping to gain something in return?

Just as progress comes by practicing the piano, walking in righteousness comes by practicing daily. The Holy Spirit is here to guide me when I am missing the mark. I must keep practicing.


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