For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
(Psalm 139:13 NIV)
All of God’s creation is beautiful. I was blessed to view a Cicada up close while weeding my flower bed. It landed on my hand and, I sat watching its red eyes looking at me. Its clear wings were webbed together so perfectly. It sat quietly and allowed me to look and talk to it.
Yes, I do talk to bugs and animals. I am amazed at how they are intricately made. How amazing that God took the time to make each one differently.
God never makes mistakes. Each person is made exactly the way God wants them to be. To try and change what God has made is to say God has made a mistake and that is not possible. God knows exactly what He is doing.
Be Encouraged! If you are struggling with your identity, ask God to show you who you were created to be for Him. He has all the answers.