For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but power and love and discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
How do I keep peace in my heart when everything around me seems to be in chaos? It is easy for me to respond in an unkind way if I am not keeping my heart in check. For example, if another driver cuts me off in traffic, do I scream and point my finger? If I am waiting in line at the grocery store and the cashier ignores me and waits on the person who steps in front of me; that is a difficult one.
I can almost feel my face getting hot and the hair standing up on my arms. In every situation, I have a choice in how I respond. If I am allowing the Holy Spirit to keep my emotions in check, I will respond in the right way. I can be angry but not allow myself to respond negatively. When I obey the Holy Spirit, peace fills my heart.
One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. I cannot control what others do but I can control how I respond.
Be Encouraged! If you are struggling with keeping your emotions in check, ask God to help you. Self-control takes practice