Seal up the Watering Pot- Colossians 3:16

‘Seal up the Watering Pot’

Let the words of Christ richly dwell in you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)


How can I water my flowers with a rusty waterpot filled with holes? When I try to give them something to drink, the water runs out of the rusty holes. I must first seal up those holes in my watering pot and then fill the pot with fresh clean water. My flowers will then thrive from the water and grow into healthy colorful flowers.

If I want to be an encourager to others, one that builds up and pours out clean and healthy words, I must fill my heart with God’s word. His words will bring wisdom and knowledge and joy that spills over into the lives of others.


Be encouraged! You, too, can be one who builds up others’ lives. Allow God to fill your heart with His word and you can become someone who waters others with healthy words that bring life.



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