Stay Alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1Peter 5:7 NLT)
Yesterday, I went to ‘The Pedler’s’ festival. It was their fifty-first year, and the crowds were large. I was taken back to the seventeenth century. Folks were dressed as in the days of the Mayflower.
There were many vendors selling their crafts along the winding trails and at one point, I stopped for a bite to eat. I found a table nearby and sat to enjoy my tasty chicken pita, but it wasn’t long before I realized the bees were intending to devour my food.
The swarming bees remind me of the devil. He is always looking for ways to devour. I must always be on guard watching my thoughts, actions and weaknesses. I must keep all doors shut.
Be Encouraged! God watches over you. Cry out to Him when the enemy comes knocking