“By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
(John 13:35) NIV
How precious an infant is. It comes into the world totally dependent on its parents for everything. When it cries, I must check the time to see if he needs a bottle or if his diaper needs to be changed. I must take the time to give my child cuddles and kisses, so my child feels comforted and loved.
It is the same for an aging parent or loved one. They may be at a stage where they need someone to feed them or help them to the bathroom. They may need, almost all, the care that an infant needs and it is important that I meet those needs as well. If I am not able to meet all their needs, I must provide someone who can.
Jesus tells us to take care of each other. He talks about providing for the orphan and widow. He tells us to care of our parents.
We are to love as Jesus loves, caring for others.
Be Encouraged! Jesus loves you. He will help you to love as He loves. All you have to do is talk to Him about it.